Welcome to DIARY OF A failed ACTOR
If you have chosen training or not, what is your next move to take in getting your foot on the ladder to start building your career as a professional actor?
As I have stated previously, nobody said this was an easy profession to undertake, and if they did, then they were telling porky-pies. This is a tough, tough, tough, over-subscribed business requiring resolve, extreme patience, endurance, and imagination. You are pursuing your dream, you are following your heart, and if you remain true to your cause, then nothing will deter you.
In this edition, I will be looking at what challenges await the aspiring actor/actress, and how to confront them head on. Firstly look at everything before you that may appear to be an obstacle to your goals, as puzzles to be solved. And, every puzzle has a solution.
You have to be resourceful and dedicated in your approach. These days, getting yourself noticed is far easier than when I graduated from drama school. You have the internet at your fingertips, and much more besides to create opportunities, and you are not alone. In Ep.5, I will be taking a closer look at branding, marketing, and use of the social media, but here we will explore the practicalities of getting the show on the road.
In the next edition we will discuss the conundrum of agents and managers.
By John Pirkis
Diary Of A 'failed' Actor.
Directed By Cécile Delepière
Dr Jessica Beck/ ALBA EMOTING