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DIARY OF A 'failed' ACTOR. Ep#12. Mind Set For Success.
'Nature abhors a vacuum!' Although at moments when life is simply too hectic, we may think to ourselves, "What I would give to have absolutely nothing happening in my life right now!", the truth is that anything happening in our life right now is better than nothing. For, it is during these times of quietude that we turn in on ourselves and start to chew away at our confidence, and disturb our equanimity, shaking down our positive thoughts and feelings, and allowing negativity to creep in and undermine us. Undoing in an instant the seemingly solid foundations we had so diligently been building over time.
The acclaimed mathematician and scientist, Albert Einstein, observed through his studies of quantum physics and Relativity, how deeply rooted are the connection between man's mind and the Universe. How one is able through mindful and concentrated activity of the brain's synapses to tilt the world to one's advantage, and if we would but put our trust in the vast, and by many, unchartered mass of our brains, how easily and readily we would regularly have total control of our lives through our minds, and consistently make the seemingly impossible, possible. Often are Einstein's writings on these observations quoted piecemeal as postings on Facebook profiles, giving us glimpses of what we are missing out on.
To many, the idea that focus creates reality, and reality reveals your focus, so that by merely concentrating mindfully on what you desire you can manifest it, seems incredulous, and a load of hokum dreamed up by a bunch of airy fairy, touchy-feely hippies intent on the belief that it therefore circumnavigates hard graft through blood, sweat and tears. Whereas, it is a science, known as neuroscience, with many papers written up following a vast number of clinically controlled tests conducted the world over. It does not supplant the hard work and dedication necessary to forge a successful career as an actor, but runs in conjunction, and compliments and strengthens all your endeavours.
I studied aspects of it for over a year before being allowed to practice as a life coach, but I truly recognised and harnessed its potential through my three years study and practice with my 'wise man' and 'Master of my Bushido', Darren Eden, who incorporates it in his teachings at his, Academy of Greatness. That I am pursuing and succeeding in what I love, and now living in New York, is through the thoughtful teachings that Darren has dedicated his life to imparting, and thereby assisting others to create whatever they choose against the harshest odds. The link to his academy is listed below.
In this episode, we are looking at the importance of maintaining positive thought processes and eliminating the negative. This is an ongoing daily practice, like everything in an actor's pursuit of greatness. The only obstacles set before us to trip us up in realising our dreams are those manifested by ourselves through our delinquent thoughts and imagination, so here in this episode we touch on a few tools at our disposal to knock these unwanted thoughts on the head.
To maintain a healthy outlook, and book those jobs, it is essential to have a full and rounded life, to have more going on in our lives than just chasing auditions or worse, sitting at home, twiddling our thumbs and waiting for the phone to ring. Success in our field is a reaction to the actions we take daily to achieve our goals and remain uplifted on the journey. Everything in life requires tempering and balance.
John Pirkis
DIARY OF A 'failed' ACTOR.
Directed by Cécile DELEPIÈRE