We continue our segment on Branding & Marketing, by taking a look at the demand being put on actors to have an active presence on social media, and the necessity to keep adapting to and adopting the many different mediums on the internet to maintain one's marketability, and satisfy your followers.
The pressures put upon actors to maintain a high profile by their representation and fan-base can be daunting, but it is hugely important not to become a slave to these demands nor to lose the essential essence of who you are.
There are so many outlets requiring your input and attention. Not just the standard casting services and directories, nor simply IMDB, Facebook and Twitter, but Instagram, LinkedIn, Vine, and more recently, Spin My Planet. Nearly every month there is a new platform hustling for your attention.
Keep it simple to begin with and focus on the platforms you are most familiar with, then venture out from there.
As this episode depicts, you must be ready for the expectations and rigours that come with the public exposure that keeps mounting once success has come a knocking at your door. You must learn to keep it at arms length and embrace it at the same time without losing sight of who you are.
Diary Of A 'failed' Actor.
Directed By Cécile DELEPIÈRE